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  • Publicaties

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  • Politieklachten

  • Verenigde Staten en the War on Terror

    CIA plays key role in war on terror
    By Bob Woodward
    THE MASSIVE, aggressive international roundup mirrors, in part, the broader detention program carried out by the FBI in the United States that has netted more than 1,100 people, including a small number believed to have information about terrorists and a far larger number of Middle Eastern nationals held on immigration violations.

    USA PATRIOT opens CIA, NSA, intelligence databases to police
    Directives from Attorney General Ashcroft’s speech before EOUSA’s Anti-Terrorism Coordinators Conference

    Het Center for Democracy & Technology houdt bij wat de gevolgen zijn van de veranderende wetgeving in de VS.

    New York Civil Liberties Union
    The NYCLU is a statewide organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of New Yorkers’ civil liberties as enumerated in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State of New York. In the rush to legislate, many questions were left unasked: Do we need a state anti-terrorism law that is largely duplicative of federal law? Does it make sense to grant state and local police the authority to prosecute suspected terroristic acts of war – tasks for which federal agents are specially trained? (WonÕt the new state law exacerbate Òturf warsÓ between federal security agencies?) How do we train law-enforcement officials to distinguish between those who espouse unpopular political views and those who support acts of terror?

    De Federation Of American Scientist hebben een geod overzicht:
    Anti-Terrorism Legislation
    Shortly after September 11, the Bush Administration asked Congress to pass legislation to give the executive branch expanded surveillance and detention authorities. Several aspects of the legislation elicited opposition on civil liberties grounds, some of which was reflected in the debates.

    The Nandotimes
    Een pagina die het onderzoek naar de terroristen bijhoudt

    In Sweeping Campus Canvasses, U.S. Checks on Mideast Students
    I n the two months since the attacks of Sept. 11, federal investigators have contacted administrators on more than 200 college campuses to collect information about students from Middle Eastern countries, the most sweeping canvass of the halls of academia since the cold war, the colleges say.