• Buro Jansen & Janssen, gewoon inhoud!
    Jansen & Janssen is een onderzoeksburo dat politie, justitie, inlichtingendiensten, overheid in Nederland en de EU kritisch volgt. Een grond- rechten kollektief dat al 40 jaar, sinds 1984, publiceert over uitbreiding van repressieve wet- geving, publiek-private samenwerking, veiligheid in breedste zin, bevoegdheden, overheidsoptreden en andere staatsaangelegenheden.
    Buro Jansen & Janssen Postbus 10591, 1001EN Amsterdam, 020-6123202, 06-34339533, signal +31684065516, info@burojansen.nl (pgp)
    Steun Buro Jansen & Janssen. Word donateur, NL43 ASNB 0856 9868 52 of NL56 INGB 0000 6039 04 ten name van Stichting Res Publica, Postbus 11556, 1001 GN Amsterdam.
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  • De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    De voorrechten en immuniteiten van Europol

    Infiltrator in A SEED, Earth First!, ENAAT

    Infiltrator in A SEED, Earth First!, ENAAT lees meer

    Adrian Franks. Infiltrator in A SEED, Earth First!, ENAAT – and where else?

    Adrian Franks is 39 years old, he is blond, bolding and has a moustache. He is short, fat and usually dressed in plain clothes, nothing special.


    Ever met a dedicated Animal Liberation Front activist, who eats meat?
    Adrian Franks confessed to frequent McDonald’s, for his kids…he says…

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    Infiltrant Adrian Franks – verslag van een speurtocht

    Half mei werd buro Jansen & Janssen benaderd door mensen van A SEED die serieuze twijfels hadden over de betrouwbaarheid van een activist in Frankrijk, Adrian Franks uit Equihen-Plage. Een anonieme brief met zware beschuldigingen was de aanleiding een onderzoek in te stellen. Hij zou informatie over actiegroepen duur verkopen aan multinationals. Het verslag van een speurtocht.

    Gepubliceerd in Ravage,

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    Account of our research to infiltrator Adrian Franks

    Mid May Buro Jansen & Janssen was approached by people from A SEED Europe who had serious doubts about the reliability of a French activist, Adrian Franks from Equihen-Plage. An anonymous letter with severe accusations was reason enough to start an investigation. He was said to be selling information about activist groups to multinational cooperations. Account of a search.

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    Why is Adrian exposed

    Adrian has had a chance to defend himself. He was invited to attend the first gathering of a so-called (fake) secret network. Before the meeting could start, some things had to be cleared up. Adrian was confronted with all the allegations made against him, one by one. He understood he was not going to leave before some explaining had been done. So he started talking. He never stopped talking. But his stories were incoherent and evasive. He had an answer to almost anything, but it didn’t explain a lot.

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    Dear friends,

    It has been brought to our attention through various sources that Adrian Franks of Eco-Action France is an infiltrator selling information on activist groups to corporate clients.

    Adrian Franks has made himself known to various organisations and movements in Europe as one of the central members of a small direct-action group, Eco-Action, (also known as Earth First! France) which has its base in Equihen-Plage. Adrian Franks has presented himself as an activist focussed on the oil and arms industries and animal liberation. In this guise, he has attempted to weave himself into the European movement active on these issues. He has become involved in ENAAT (the European Network Against the Arms Trade), A SEED Europe, Earth First! and People’s Global Action. In some cases, he has claimed to be working very closely with organisations and networks (such as Corporate Watch UK), but is almost unknown to these organisations/movements.

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    Attention – francais

    Amsterdam, 1er juillet 1998.

    Cher(e)s ami(e)s,

    Differentes sources ont attire notre attention sur le fait que Adrian Franks, du groupe francais Eco-Action infiltre des groupes d’activistes afin de vendre des informations au sujet de ces groupes a des grandes entreprises.

    Adrian Franks s’est presente aupres de divers mouvements et organisations comme l’un des membres principaux d’un petit groupe d’action de terrain, Eco-Action (aussi connu comme Earth First! France), base a Equihen-Plage. Adrian Franks s’est presente comme un activiste qui s’interesse aux industries du petrole et de l’armement, et a la liberation animale. C’est en tant que tel qu’il a essaye de s’immiscer dans le mouvement europeen actif sur ces questions. Il s’est investi aupres d’ENAAT (European Network Against Arms Trade), A-SEED Europe, Earth First!, et People’s Global Action. Il a parfois pretendu collaborer etroitement avec certains groupes ou reseaux (comme par ex. Corporate Watch UK), aupres desquels il n’est en fait que vaguement connu.

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    To the Board of Directors

    We write to you concerning a matter of great concern. Our organisations have recently been shocked by discovering that a person we believed was a dedicated citizen working for environmental and social justice was in fact selling (partly false) information to companies in several European countries. We write to you because this person might also have approached your company and because this case has serious general implications.

    The person we knew as Adrian Frank from the French environmental citizens group EcoAction has for at least 1 1/2 years under the names Adrian Lechene and Adrian Mayer been actively contacting companies, particularly in the oil and arms industry. He has offered these companies information about the activities of environment and peace organisations in different European countries, asking significant amounts of money in return for his services.

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