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  • Brochure Europol 2 – Wat mag europol


    Met de ondertekening van het Europol-verdrag wordt de inhoud openbaar. Naast de Kamerleden kunnen nu ook pers en publiek lezen wat er in hun naam is afgesproken door de Nederlandse regering. De kritiek is fors, zowel binnen als buiten het parlement.

    Een gedeelte van de kritiek richt zich op de vele onduidelijkheden in het verdrag. Europol gaat zich bij uitstek bezig houden met de bestrijding van de georganiseerde criminaliteit in Europa. Maar er valt nergens een definitie van georganiseerde criminaliteit te lezen. Uit de praktijk in de verschillende landen blijkt dat er geheel verschillende definities worden gehanteerd.

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    CARTE BLANCHE, Wat mag europol?

    Met de ondertekening van het Europol-verdrag wordt de inhoud openbaar. Naast de Kamerleden kunnen nu ook pers en publiek lezen wat er in hun naam is afgesproken door de Nederlandse regering. De kritiek is fors, zowel binnen als buiten het parlement.
    Een gedeelte van de kritiek richt zich op de vele onduidelijkheden in het verdrag. Europol gaat zich bij uitstek bezig houden met de bestrijding van de georganiseerde criminaliteit in Europa. Maar er valt nergens een definitie van georganiseerde criminaliteit te lezen. Uit de praktijk in de verschillende landen blijkt dat er geheel verschillende definities worden gehanteerd.
    Tegelijkertijd staat op verschillende plekken in het verdrag te lezen dat Europol zich ook mag bezighouden met misdaden die ‘gerelateerd’ zijn aan de misdrijven waarvoor Europol officieel bevoegd is. Voorts kan de JBZ-Raad besluiten de taakvelden verder uit te breiden of nieuwe definities toe te voegen. Europol lijkt zich dus met vrijwel alles te kunnen (gaan) bezighouden. lees meer

    First reflections concerning the Tampere Conclusions as far as they relate to Europol

    COUNCIL OF Brussel, 11 February 2000


    5845/00 ADD 1 LIMITE EUROPOL1

    ADDENDUM TO THE NOTE from General Secretariat

    to : Europol Working Group

    No. prev. doe.: 5845/00 EUROPOL 1, 13370/99 EUROPOL 48

    Subject Comments by delegations to the “First reflections concerning the Tampere Conclusions as far as they relate to Europol” as contained in doc. 13370/99 EUROPOL48

    Delegations please find in Annex additional comments by Europol to the “First reflections concerning the Tampere Conclusions as far as they relate to Europol” as contained in doc. 13370/99 EUROPOL 48. 5845/00 ADD 1 NB/vj EN

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    First reflections concerning the Tampere Conclusions as far as they relate to Europol


    Brussels, 25 November 1999



    EUROPOL 48

    NOTE from Presidency to Europol Working Party

    No. prev. doc.: 6245/99 EUROPOL 7

    Subject: First reflections concerning the Tampere Conclusions as far as they relate to Europol

    1. Introduction

    Article 30 (ex Article K.2.) of the TEU sets out the framework under which Europol should be further developed. It lists elements of a common action of Member States in the field of police co-operation and provides for a series of measures that should be undertaken by the Council within a period of five years after the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam (five years after 1 May 1999)

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    Europol Annual Report 1999


    This report provides an overview of the work that took place in 1999 within the framework of Europol and Europol Drugs Unit (EDU). In 1999 Europol was able fully to take up its activities from the legal point of view but in practice the additionally necessary legal, technical and methodological instruments had, and in some cases still have to be created, refined and implemented. Further endeavours are needed in order to carry out all the operational functions entrusted to Europol.
    During the transition period from Europol Drugs Unit contracts had to be drawn up and signed, as the seconded personnel transferred to Europol staff and became subject to its regulations. Additional staff had to be hired from some thirty services within the fifteen Member States. Originating from different cultures and working environments, they had to be integrated into a common institutional and legal framework. The work involved in this exercise cannot be underestimated, bearing in mind that new working methods had to be introduced together with administrative support. A good example is provided by the Analysis Work Files. Whereas at national level these matters have been developed and implemented over many years, Europol was expected to be ready within a matter of months.

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    Europol in the context of police co-operation inside and outside the EU

    Heiner Busch

    CILIP, Berlin

    Europol is intended to fulfil three basic functions: (1) to act as a relay station for the rapid exchange of information, (2) to co-ordinate ‘operational’ measures, for example controlled deliveries; without, however, having any executive power of its own, and (3) to carry out evaluations at central, EU level.

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