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  • Vragen met betrekking tot de metro bommen in London

    In de Nederlandse media is terecht enige aandacht besteed aan het nieuwe boek van Ron Suskind dat in het Nederlands vertaald de ‘een procent doctrine’ heet. Het is natuurlijk onthutsend dat er in democratische politieke partijen en democratisch gekozen regeringen mensen zitten die geen enkel bezwaar hebben tegen het arresteren, opsluiten, eventueel veroordelen van onschuldige mensen. Suskind maakt duidelijk dat dit denken structureel te noemen is en daarmee nog gevaarlijker. In Nederland kennen we ook mensen die vergelijkbare standpunt innemen, waarvan Maxime Verhagen, fractieleider van de CDA, de meest bekende is.

    Het is echter jammer dat de Nederlandse media niet aandacht besteed aan een onderwerp dat ook in het boek van Suskind behandeld wordt en dat in het verlengde van de een procent doctrine ligt. De 99 procent onschuldige arrestanten en een deel van de een procent mogelijk schuldige verdachten worden zeker bij terrorisme zaken vaak gearresteerd op basis van informatie die verkregen is van informanten. Bij de aanslagen van 7 juli 2005 in London speelde een man een prominente, misschien wel hoofdrol. Deze man, Mohammad Sidique Khan, wordt in 2003 door de CIA als gevaarlijk omschreven. De CIA zou dit ook aan de Engelse geheime dienst hebben gecommuniceerd, maar die dienst ontkend dat Kahn gevaarlijk was. Natuurlijk kan het zijn dat de CIA haar straatje wil schoonvegen, maar het is opmerkelijk dat er geen diepgaand onderzoek wordt ingesteld naar de aanslagen van 7 juli 2005 in London, zeker als deze Kahn een dusdanig grote rol speelt. De engelse Times schrijft uitvoerig over Mohammad Sidique Khan.

    The Times June 19, 2006

    US ‘issued alert’ on 7/7 bomber in 2003
    By Daniel McGrory
    Fresh calls for public inquiry into London bombings after publication of American book claiming terrorist was known

    MI5 has always denied knowing that Mohammad Sidique Khan was a danger

    THE leader of the July 7 suicide bombers was considered such a dangerous threat that he was banned from flying to America two years before the attack in London, according to a book written by a US intelligence specialist.

    Although MI5 has always denied knowing that Mohammad Sidique Khan was a
    potential danger, the CIA is alleged to have discovered in 2003 that he
    was planning attacks on American cities.

    The disclosures are made in a book by the award-winning author Ron
    Suskind that is serialised today in The Times.

    The claims contradict evidence from Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the
    Director-General of MI5, to the parliamentary Intelligence and Security
    Committee that Khan had never been listed as a terror threat before the
    attack that killed 52 innocent people.

    A senior British security source has told The Times that they were aware of the allegations but said that they were “untrue and one of the many myths that have grown up around Khan”.

    However, the disclosures will add to demands for Tony Blair to agree to
    a full public inquiry into intelligence lapses before the attack on July 7. Families of the victims, preparing to mark the first anniversary, are among those calling for an independent investigation to uncover all that British Intelligence was told about the suicide bombers by international security agencies.

    David Davis, the Shadow Home Secretary, said: “This new information
    shows that there is an unarguable case for an independent inquiry that
    will enable us to ensure any weakness in our security and intelligence
    system are put right before we face any further terrorist threat.”

    Ibrahim Mogra, chairman of the mosque and community affairs committee of the Muslim Council of Britain, said that the arguments for a public
    inquiry were now overwhelming.

    “In light of this latest claim the case for a public inquiry becomes
    even more clear. There are things we are not being told about what our
    intelligence services knew, and if the US intelligence services knew
    something they should bear some of the responsibility for the attacks,”
    he said.

    The parliamentary inquiry into 7/7 found that Khan and two of the other
    suicide bombers were known in some form to MI5. It said that Khan was
    regarded as a peripheral figure.

    However, Suskind, in his book The One Percent Doctrine, says that CIA
    agents found evidence that Khan was in contact with Islamic extremists
    in the US about a plot to blow up a number of synagogues on the US East
    Coast. He alleges that Khan made at least two trips to America to
    finalise attack plans and that US security officials insisted the CIA’s
    Counter-Terrorist Centre shared its information with a British
    intelligence official in London.

    The book claims that Dan Coleman, who led the FBI’s investigation into
    al-Qaeda, had read detailed files of Khan’s many telephone calls and
    e-mails, beginning in 2002, to a number of US based al-Qaeda-trained
    militants living in New York and Virginia.

    Khan, a primary school teaching mentor from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, is alleged to have been in contact with a student from Falls Church in
    Virginia, who in March was sentenced to 30 years for a plot to
    assassinate George Bush.

    E-mail transcripts monitored by the National Security Agency (NSA) show, says Suskind, that Khan, 30, was in direct contact with Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, 24. NSA intercepts also allegedly show that Khan was in touch with the US-based extremists he later met in Pakistan.
    verzamelde informatie over khan
    campagne voor het openbaar maken van de bewijzen