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  • Shell involved in attacks on Nigerian villages

    In the run up to the 15th Anniversary of the execution of Nigerian writer and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, new evidence has emerged of Shell’s collusion with the Nigerian military which led to the deaths of scores of Ogoni in the early nineties.

    The evidence is contained in testimonies that were taken for the land-mark lawsuit Wiwa versus Shell which was due to be heard in a New York District Court last year.

    But because the case was settled out of court, the testimonies were never made public.

    At the time of Saro-Wiwa’s death, Shell repeatedly told its shareholders and the press that it was not colluding or providing logistical support to the Nigerian military including the Niger Delta Internal Security Task Force. The company would later admit to having paid field allowances on only two occasions to the military.

    But compelling testimonies show that Shell provided logistical support to the military and Mobile Police, known locally as the Kill and Go, in a series of clashes between the Ogoni and their neighbours the Andoni. These clashes started in the summer of 1993, months after the Ogoni had stepped up their campaign against Shell earlier in the year.
    VPRO Argos 18 december 2010- Shell in Nigeria
    VPRO Argos 29 januari 2011- Shell onder vuur