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  • Infiltranten en informanten overal en bij elke beweging (selectie artikelen op nieuwsblog over informanten en infiltranten vooral in de Verenigde Staten)

    De voorbeelden van infiltratie door de FBI bij allerlei actiegroepen zijn overweldigend. De dienst lijkt overal de vinger in de pap te willen hebben. Van de Black Lives Matter tot de Proud Boys. Een informant uit de jaren vijftig, zestig en zeventig en een verhaal over een vermeende informant bij de bestorming van de Capitol op 6 januari 2021, maken duidelijk wat het probleem met informanten is.

    Het verhaal over de informant uit de vorige eeuw gaat over fotograaf Ernest Withers die ook een FBI-informant was. Withers hielp de dienst bij de surveillance van allerlei individuen en organisaties die actief waren in de burgerrechtenbeweging, vredesgroepen en vakbonden in Memphis van 1958 tot 1976. De infiltratie en de surveillance van de huidige Black Lives Matter beweging ligt in het verlengde van die monitoring activiteiten. Veel is er dus sinds de Tweede Wereld Oorlog niet veranderd ten aanzien van de monitoring van burgerrechtenbewegingen in de Verenigde Staten. Dat ook rechts wordt geïnfiltreerd maakt een informant bij de Proud Boys duidelijk.

    Natuurlijk is er een verschil in de behandeling van bewegingen. Het politie optreden bij boerenprotesten in Nederland maakt dat eens temeer duidelijk. Bijna met fluwelen handschoenen worden de tractors gestreeld. Dat was wel anders bij allerlei corona protesten of protesten van klimaatactivisten. Je auto of je fiets is bij die protesten niet veilig. Laten we maar niet spreken over mensen die het opnemen voor vluchtelingen of protesteren tegen racisme in Nederland.

    Een voorbeeld van een vermeende informant bij de bestorming van de Capitol op 6 januari 2021 laat echter goed zien wat het fundamentele probleem is van het gebruik van informanten/infiltranten. Het gaat om Ray Epps die door de republikeinen wordt geportretteerd als provocateur van de staat om de Capitol te bestormen en door democraten en kritische Trump media wordt gezien als een demonstrant die niet vervolgd en veroordeeld is voor deelname aan het protest, maar wel aanwezig was. Probleem is dat andere activisten die op vergelijkbare posities zijn gezien bij de Capitol wel zijn veroordeeld en dat Epps daadwerkelijk mensen zou hebben aangezet om deel te nemen aan de bestorming. Epps en zijn advocaat zeggen dat hij geen informant was. De FBI zwijgt. Gevolg een typische twee kampen discussie, democraten versus republikeinen.

    Probleem bij een zwart – wit discussie is dat de vaak veel interessantere nuances verdwijnen. Natuurlijk weten activisten dat bij arrestaties het vaak niet zo is dat iedereen die op dezelfde plek aanwezig was ook daadwerkelijk voor hetzelfde vergrijp wordt veroordeeld. Sommige mensen hebben pech anderen gewoon mazzel.

    Alleen bij de ongeregeldheden van 6 januari 2021 is dat onderscheid nogal vreemd. De FBI heeft namelijk duidelijk aangegeven iedereen te willen aanpakken en gezien de aantallen en veroordelingen zijn ze daar ook mee bezig. En er zijn allerlei andere geruchten over informanten en observatieteams van de FBI in en rond de Capitol. Redenen genoeg om vragen te stellen.

    Nu kan het zijn dat Epps meewerkt met de FBI. Is leeggelopen, iedereen die hij kent heeft aangegeven en daarmee zijn straf probeert te ontlopen. Hij kan schuld hebben bekend, maar ja dan komt er toch een veroordeling. Allemaal mogelijkheden, maar waarom wijst hij op beelden mensen duidelijk de weg naar de bestorming, dat deed niet iedereen, de meesten volgden gewoon de massa.

    En waarom fluistert hij iemand iets in zijn oor. Zijn advocaat zegt dat hij mensen maande tot kalmte. Het fluisteren lijkt echter niet tot kalmering, want daarna vervolgde de doorbraak van de beveiligingslinies. Al met al allerlei reden genoeg om twijfels te hebben bij het gedrag en de antwoorden van Epps en de antwoorden en verklaringen van de autoriteiten. Natuurlijk hoeft hij dan nog geen informant te zijn en het is natuurlijk opmerkelijk dat de republikeinen spreken over een overheidsprovocateur terwijl zij in het verleden bij ongeregeldheden graag de activisten de schuld gaven.

    Probleem is dat informanten en provocateur elkaar vaak niet uitsluiten. Genoeg voorbeelden ook in Nederland van provocateurs die informant bleken te zijn. Dat wil niet zeggen dat de FBI Epps opdracht gaf om te provoceren, maar dat risico ligt bij informanten en infiltranten altijd op de loer. Zij willen scoren, met wat nieuws komen, met juicy informatie, met een complot. Voorbeelden van informanten/infiltranten in de Amerikaanse moslimgemeenschap, maar ook in extreemrechtse scene maken dat duidelijk. De informanten/infiltranten waren vaak de bedenkers van het plan, zorgden voor de hardware en de leden van de actiegroep waren vaak mensen zonder de mentale capaciteiten om een actie van de grond te krijgen en meestal slechts pionnen in het informanten spel.


    Gretchen Whitmer: FBI agent ‘bomb-maker’ in kidnap plot

    21 juli 2022

    Men who allegedly plotted to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor in 2020 sought to buy bombs with “IOUs”, a court has heard. FBI agent Timothy Bates testified Monday that he had posed undercover as a bomb-maker and infiltrated the plotters’ group. The group was “excited” to buy bombs, but did not have the funds, he said. […]


    Accused Whitmer kidnap plotter slurs FBI informant in chilling testimony

    21 juli 2022

    Closing arguments and jury deliberations are expected Friday following a 14-day trial of four men accused of plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, one of the most closely watched cases of domestic terrorism in recent history. Testimony ended in federal court in Grand Rapids Thursday with just one of the four defendants testifying. Lake Orion


    FBI Documents Expose Bureau‘s Big Jan. 6 ‘Lie‘

    21 juli 2022

    The bureau says it lacked the authority to monitor social media activity ahead of the pro-Trump insurrection, but it did exactly that during 2020 racial justice and police violence protests In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 insurrection, the FBI told Congress and the American people that the agency had failed to prevent or fully […]


    FBI paid over $100,000 to neo-Nazi for insider info – report

    21 juli 2022

    A convicted felon belonging to a US neo-Nazi hate group was paid over $100,000 by the FBI over the course of 18 years for information on the neo-Nazi underworld. A convicted felon linked to a US neo-Nazi hate group was paid over $100,000 by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) over the course of 18 […]


    The Conspiracy Theory About January 6 and the FBI Doesn’t Make Any Sense Fox News and House Republicans are still promoting it.

    21 juli 2022

    Last Thursday, in a press conference with the Right Side Broadcasting Network outside the United States Capitol on the anniversary of January 6, Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene spun an increasingly popular conspiracy theory to explain the horrific events that occurred: It was the Feds. “I’m starting to think this was less of


    How Trump supporter Ray Epps became entangled in a Trump-touted conspiracy theory

    21 juli 2022

    How Trump supporter Ray Epps became entangled in a Trump-touted Arizona Trump supporter Ray Epps on Jan. 6, 2021, told people: “As soon as our president is done speaking, we are going to the Capitol, where our problems are. It’s that direction. Please spread the word.”


    Ray Epps, Trump supporter seen encouraging people to enter US Capitol, is not an FBI informant

    21 juli 2022

    The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection poked another hole in the pro-Trump conspiracy theory that federal agents orchestrated the attack, confirming on Tuesday that a man at the center of the claims said he’d never been an FBI informant. Ray Epps, an Arizona man who was filmed encouraging others to enter the U.S.


    Everything we know about Ray Epps, the man conservatives blame for the Capitol riot

    21 juli 2022

    When Ray Epps, now 61, arrived in Washington DC in early January, 2021, he believed he was answering the call of his president. Mr Epps was one of the thousands of MAGA loyalists who believed former President Donald Trump’s lie that the 2020 election had been stolen. He also thought he and a throng of […]


    Jan. 6 provocateur Ray Epps intends to sue people who accused him of working for the authorities

    21 juli 2022

    Ray Epps, the former chapter leader of an anti-government militia group who was filmed corralling rioters to the Capitol on Jan. 6 just before the violence erupted, said he intends to sue the public figures who accused him of working with federal authorities that day. Epps told the New York Times that his life has […]


    Everything we find out about Ray Epps, the person conservatives blame for the Capitol riot

    21 juli 2022

    When Ray Epps, now 61, arrived in Washington DC in early January, 2021, he believed he was answering the decision of his president. Mr Epps was one of many 1000’s of MAGA loyalists who believed former President Donald Trump’s lie that the 2020 election had been stolen. He additionally thought he and a throng of […]


    An alleged FBI file about an informant with the Proud Boys on Jan. 6 galvanizes the far-right They may have crowned a new Ray Epps.

    21 juli 2022

    Right-wing media is in an uproar over a purported Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) file they believe exonerates the Proud Boys of wrongdoing at the Capitol riot. The file was first published by the far-right Gateway Pundit, which says it received the file from a whistleblower. It contains the account of an alleged FBI informant […]


    FBI enlisted Proud Boys leader to inform on antifa, lawyer says

    21 juli 2022

    The agents who met with Joseph Biggs wanted to know what he was “seeing on the ground,” his lawyer said, adding, “They spoke often.” FBI agents recruited a Proud Boys leader to provide them with information about antifa networks months before he was charged with storming the U.S. Capitol with other members of the far-right […]


    Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was an FBI informant

    21 juli 2022

    Extremist leader repeatedly worked undercover for investigators after his arrest in 2012, former prosecutor and court files reveal Enrique Tarrio, leader of the far-right group the Proud Boys leader during a march into Freedom Plaza, in Washington DC on 12 December 2020. Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past […]


    Exclusive: Proud Boys leader was ‘prolific’ informer for law enforcement

    21 juli 2022

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding obtained by Reuters. In the […]


    FBI informant and former Proud Boy chairman Henry “Enrique” Tarrio charged with seditious conspiracy

    21 juli 2022

    On Monday the US Department of Justice released a superseding indictment charging fascist Proud Boys chairman and “prolific” FBI informant, Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, and four other members of the paramilitary group with seditious conspiracy for plotting to use violence to stop the certification of the Electoral College vote on January 6, 2021, and overturn the […]


    FBI agents infiltrated racial justice protests in Portland, report says

    21 juli 2022

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) covertly infiltrated the 2020 Black Lives Matters protests in Portland and continued their surveillance months after the unrest. Agents of the FBI stood “shoulder to shoulder” with activists, videotaping the demonstration and leading the local police towards potential arrests, according to a New York Times report.


    FBI secretly surveilled left-wing protesters during Portland riots by blending into the crowd and filming them for months after demonstrations died down

    21 juli 2022

    Agents began to monitor protests groups in the summer of 2020 during the Black Lives Matter demonstrations Surveillance was stepped up after rioters attacked the Matthew O. Hatfield courthouse in Portland A federal law enforcement agent was attacked with a hammer during that uprising Agents continued to observe the protest movement during a raucous demonstration of […]


    FBI infiltrated racial justice protests in Portland: report

    21 juli 2022

    Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were dressed in plainclothes and embedded in Portland racial justice protests that followed the presidential inauguration, according to an investigation by The New York Times. The newspaper’s investigation found that the FBI had officers in the protests walking alongside activists, recording the scenes of the day and alerting […]


    New York Times, “The F.B.I. Deployed Surveillance Teams Inside Portland Protests”

    21 juli 2022

    Federal agents infiltrated Portland’s unruly racial justice protests, dressing to blend in and capturing clandestine video. The tactics raised internal concern.PORTLAND, Ore. — In the hours after President Biden’s inauguration this year, protesters marched once again through the streets of Portland, Ore., sending a message that putting a Democrat in the White House would not […]


    Post-9/11 Stings Targeted People Who Posed No Threat. They Remain in Prison.

    21 juli 2022

    In the “Fort Dix Five” case, the Duka brothers were convicted with the help of an FBI informant. Their family is still waiting for justice. Right up until his death in 2018, Ferik Duka dreamed of seeing his three eldest sons, Shain, Dritan, and Eljvir, freed from prison. In 2009, the three brothers were sentenced […]


    Fort Dix Five: ‘If they did something, punish them. But they’re innocent kids’ (2011)

    21 juli 2022

    The FBI claimed it had exposed a dangerous group of men in a massive ‘entrapment’ operation over an alleged plot to attack a US army base in New Jersey. But were they really terrorists? It all began with dropping off a video at a branch of Circuit City. A group of Muslim friends living in […]


    The Pariah – He Declined the FBI’s Offer to Become an Informant. Then His Life Was Ruined.

    21 juli 2022

    Aswad Khan didn’t understand why people were congratulating him. On a February morning in 2017, rolling out of bed at his home in an upper-middle class area of Karachi, Pakistan, Khan saw a flurry of text messages, mostly from old college and high school friends, many living in the United States, that had arrived the […]


    Operation Whistle Pig: Inside the secret CBP unit with no rules that investigates Americans

    30 december 2021

    It was almost 10 p.m. on a Thursday night, and Ali Watkins was walking around the capital following instructions texted by a stranger. One message instructed her to walk through an abandoned parking lot near Washington, D.C.’s Dupont Circle, and then wait at a laundromat. Then came a final cryptic instruction: She was to enter […]


    How the recent CAIR spy scandal unveils an Islamophobic Informant Industrial Complex in US surveillance (2021)

    30 december 2021

    The recent discovery of two informants within the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reveals one of the most nefarious dimensions of Islamophobic surveillance in the US: the informant industrial complex, writes Khaled A. Beydoun. This past September marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. It also marked two decades of state-sponsored surveillance that […]


    Informant tells of role in FBI probes (2009)

    30 december 2021

    Since he was a teen, Craig Monteilh has pretended to be someone he wasn’t – Russian, Muslim, a white supremacist. It was a skill he learned early, says Monteilh, a 47-year-old Irvine man who, according to court records, provided information to the FBI. He learned to gain people’s trust – even while pretending to be […]


    How the FBI Spied on Orange County Muslims And Attempted to Get Away With It (2021)

    30 december 2021

    In 2006, the FBI ordered an informant to pose as a Muslim convert and spy on the congregants of several large, diverse mosques in Orange County, California. The agent, Craig Monteilh, professed his conversion before hundreds of congregants during the month of Ramadan. Renaming himself “Farouk,” the informant quickly made friends and impressed members of […]


    How an FBI informant destroyed the fabric of an entire community

    30 december 2021

    As the Supreme Court hears the case of three Muslim Americans suing the FBI for spying on them, the trio detail how the operation tore apart their community During the early 2000s, the Muslim community in Southern California was thriving. While the faith group as a whole was dealing with a deluge of Islamophobic attacks […]


    Post-9/11 surveillance has left a generation of Muslim Americans in a shadow of distrust and fear

    30 december 2021

    Mohamed Bahe tries not to remember the overwhelming pain he felt the night he learned a volunteer with his organization, Muslims Giving Back, was a paid informant for the New York City Police Department. In 2011, Bahe, a Muslim American whose family came to the U.S. from Algeria, had spent months kickstarting his community volunteer […]


    Police intelligence officer ‘told to doctor reports’ about terrorism informant

    30 december 2021

    A police intelligence officer fabricated reports about a terrorism informant in a highly classified database after allegedly being instructed to by superiors, The Times has learnt. The rogue special branch unit, linked with MI5, that the detective constable worked for was disbanded after he retrospectively altered intelligence reports Phil Moran, a counterterrorism agent handler at […]


    Recording reveals police efforts to recruit BLM activist as informant

    1 november 2021

    Swansea activist Lowri Davies recorded call from officer in ‘frightening and distressing’ attempted recruitment A secret recording has revealed how a covert police unit in Wales tried to recruit a Black Lives Matter activist to be an informant. The anti-racism campaigner Lowri Davies shared the recording with the Guardian to raise awareness of what she […]


    Black Lives Matter: Swansea activist’s trust ‘destroyed by police approach’

    1 november 2021

    A Black Lives Matter activist said her trust was “destroyed” when police tried to recruit her as an informant. Swansea University law student Lowri Davies said she was called in March by a covert officer. The anti-racism campaigner said she was confused to be asked to give details of far-right activists protesting at Black Lives […]


    DECLASSIFIED UK Britain’s secret political police

    1 november 2021

    A shocking story of how a special squad of Britain’s Metropolitan Police, in collusion with MI5 – the domestic ‘security’ service – secretly infiltrated hundreds of UK political and campaign groups, and the question of whether the spying continues. As told by Asa Winstanley, who has personal experience. “The man we’d thought had been our […]


    Met police ‘tried to recruit ex-officer to spy on climate change activists’

    1 november 2021

    A former police officer who is now a prominent climate crisis campaigner has accused the Metropolitan police of attempting to recruit him to spy on Extinction Rebellion. Former detective sergeant Paul Stephens, who joined XR after he retired from the London force in 2018, claims he was approached by an officer he knew near Parliament […]


    In the Shadow of 9/11; A Major Terror Plot Interrupted — or a ‘Setup’?

    1 november 2021

    How seven men in Miami were indicted for the biggest alleged Al Qaeda plot since 9/11. From the director of Leaving Neverland, the bizarre story of an FBI sting that led to a terror prosecution, though the men had no weapons or connection to Al Qaeda. In 2006, in what was touted by the government […]


    The NYPD Paid An Informant To Help A BLM Protester Charged With Sabotaging Police Van

    1 november 2021

    The NYPD sent a paid informant to surveil, befriend and ultimately drive a Black Lives Matter protester to attack a police van last month, according to a new federal complaint unsealed on Wednesday. The civilian informant — identified in the filing as the NYPD’s “confidential source” — was involved in the arrest of Jeremy Trapp, a […]


    The FBI Targets a New Generation of Black Activists; The agency would put its investigative authorities to better use by holding police officers accountable for acts of brutality.

    1 november 2021

    Throughout its history, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has viewed Black activism as a potential national security threat. It has used its ample investigative powers not to suppress violence, but to inhibit the speech and association rights of Black activists. And its reaction to the protests following the police killings of Breonna Taylor and George […]


    FBI Tracked an Activist Involved With Black Lives Matter as They Traveled Across the U.S., Documents Show

    1 november 2021

    Documents obtained by The Intercept indicate that the FBI surveilled Black Lives Matter activists — and that the Department of Homeland Security drafted a mysterious “race paper.” At the height of 2014’s Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, Missouri, FBI agents tracked the movements of an activist flying in from New York, and appear to […]


    Newly Released Documents Show FBI Used Stakeouts And Informants To Follow Black Lives Matter Activists

    1 november 2021

    Newly released documents show that the FBI’s surveillance of the Black Lives Matter movement extends far beyond social media, according to The Intercept. The documents were acquired by two civil rights groups, Color of Change and The Center for Constitutional Rights, through a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act. The documents reveal that the […]


    Why Was an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force Tracking a Black Lives Matter Protest? Email obtained by The Intercept shows bureau discussion of Mall of America protest and an informant who relayed plans.

    1 november 2021

    Members of an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force tracked the time and location of a Black Lives Matter protest last December at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, email obtained by The Intercept shows. The email from David S. Langfellow, a St. Paul police officer and member of an FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, informs a […]


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    Inhoudsopgave Observant #80 Benaderingen omdat protesteren een terroristische handeling is

    Gehele Observant #80 Benaderingen omdat protesteren een terroristische handeling is