• Buro Jansen & Janssen, gewoon inhoud!
    Jansen & Janssen is een onderzoeksburo dat politie, justitie, inlichtingendiensten, overheid in Nederland en de EU kritisch volgt. Een grond- rechten kollektief dat al 40 jaar, sinds 1984, publiceert over uitbreiding van repressieve wet- geving, publiek-private samenwerking, veiligheid in breedste zin, bevoegdheden, overheidsoptreden en andere staatsaangelegenheden.
    Buro Jansen & Janssen Postbus 10591, 1001EN Amsterdam, 020-6123202, 06-34339533, signal +31684065516, info@burojansen.nl (pgp)
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  • Publicaties

  • Migratie

  • Politieklachten

  • EU plans for the surveillance of protestors and the criminalisation of protests


    Key documents

    • 10916/01 (pdf file) Conclusions adopted by the Council (Justice and Home Affairs) and the representatives of the member states on 13 July 2001 on security at meetings of the European Council and other comparable events, doc no 10916/01, 16.7.01

    • 10731/01 (html file) Draft Conclusions on security at meetings of the European Council and other comparable events, doc no 10731/01, 10.7.01
    • 10731/1/01 REV 1 (pdf file) Draft Conclusions on security at meetings of the European Council and other comparable events, doc no 10731/1/01, 11.7.01 REV 1
    • 10731/1/01 correction (html) important correction to report
    • 10525/01 (pdf file) Note from the General Secretariat on an “Ad hoc meeting on follow-up to the Gothenburg events on 4 July”, doc no 10525/01, 3.7.01
    • SN 3159/01 (pdf file) Draft discussion document for a policy debate on a ban on hooligans entering and/or leaving a country and similar measures, doc SN 3159/01, 8.6.01
    • 10536/01 (pdf file) Football matches with an international dimension – new Council Resolution, Handbook to prevent and control violence and disturbances at football matches with an international dimension, doc on 10536/01, 4.7.01
    • 11088/01  (pdf file) Security in connection with football matches with an international dimension – draft Council Decision with Explanatory Note, doc on 11088/01, 19.7.01
    • 7386/98 (html) Public order: conflict management – experts meeting in Brussels on 15 April 1998, doc no 7386/98, 3.3.98
    • Joint Action (html) Joint Action on cooperation on law and order and security, 26.5.97

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