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  • EDU werkprogramma 1997


    This document outlines the planned working programme of the EDU for 1997 during the Presidencies of the Netherlands and Luxembourg under the sole authority of the Working Group on Europol. The programme includes ongoing work resulting from the working programme approved for the second half of 1996. The mandate of EDU may well be extended during 1997 and the work programme may, therefore, be amended during this period.

    Where appropriate, work undertaken by the Department of Crime Analysis will be included within section 3 (Main projects in specific areas of crime, rather than under a separate heading. The working programme is divided into two chapters:

    • EDU related activities based on the Joint Action and;
    • preparatory activities for the post-ratification situation.

    An overview of planned meetings for 1997 is given which includes an indication of the level of interpretation that EDU is planning to provide with the ciiven budget allocation.

    Chapter I EDU related activities General

    The core business of the EDU is to facilitate the the exchange of information between Member States and also to provide analytical, technical and personnel facilities to support Member States’ investigations and operations. The EDU will encourage increased use of its services and effort will be focused on ensuring that information is exchanged as rapidly as possible whilst maintaining quality standards.

    EDU will also undertake projects in specific areas of work within the limits of the Joint Action and through consultation with representatives of law enforcement agencies of Member States. Therefore, the programming of the different activities is organised in close contact with the Member States’ authorities in order to fulfil their priorities and expectations. This will ensure that the decision making process and budget planning will be conducted under the best conditions. The activfties for 1997 will be increasingly influenced by activities orientated to the post-Convention situation.

    Previous ad-hoc initiatives, e.g. the Drug General Situation Report, have become well-established and it will be an ongoing process to deliver such products in future. It will be important to define with Member States a common strategy for all aspects of the EDU mandate. 2. Information and intelligence exchange and support for operations carried out by Member States The general objective of the EDU is to continuously improve co-operation and support for Member States in operations and investigations by:

    • using statistics from the information exchange system to enable efficiency and effectiveness of EDU and the Europol National Units to be monitored under the criteria resulting from the agreed qualfty evaluation system,
    • upgrading the intemal system of exchange, where necessary, both technically and functionally;
    • organising expert meetings in order to draw up or facilitate the implementation of recommendations, proposals and plans for future developments of EDU, Europol and National Units;
    • providing support to Europol Natonal Units in the internal structuring of their Europol desks. A study of Europol National Units will be finalised by the end of 1996
    • facilitating and improving the support provided on request to Member States’ law enforcement agencies, offering the use of EDU facilities for Member States operations and by providing analytical support to member states via their liaison officers.
    • implementing measures arising from the Special Techniques

    Policy Document (including controlled deliveries), in order to facilitate a possible ccmmon use of the methods and techniques for multilateral operations, where appropriate, and to improve the quality of EDU support;

    • considering the results of the Controlled Deliveries Practices Study, initiate better support for information, communication and co-ordination in multilateral controlled delivery operations and study possible sharing of the costs involved in certain cases;
    • continuously reviewing the EU Manual on Controlled Deliveries and presenting the revised manual biannually to the Member States via the Working Group Drugs and Organised Crime;
    • continuing to increase awareness in Member States of the role of EDU especially in the new areas of criminality added to its mandate in the Joint Action.
    • creating a directory of operational skills, knowledge and expertise of law enforcement officers as a result of the proposed EU initiative;
    • contributing to the Dutch initiative to organise a congress (May’97) on intelligence sharing wfthin the EU

    3 Main projects in specific areas of crime

    Specific projects as advised by the Heads of Europol National Units, will be initiated, continued or concluded.

    3.1 Illicit drug trafficking

    Taking into acount the CORDROGUE 69 action planning, the main projects in this field will be to:

    • collect, evaluate and analyse the data provided by Member States for the annual EU Drug Situation Report. This will include information on the size and impact of organised crime, domestic cultivation and production of drugs within the EU and also drug seizure statistics and drug price overviewt (collected bi-annually);
    • implement a database system to store the images of ecstasy tablets, with the ultimate aim that it should be available to all EL0s, and to continue the distribution of a catalogue throughout the EU;
    • support initiatives to create a chemical profiling and a purity indicator system under the authority of the Working Group Police Co-operation;
    • develop an operational project based upon the drug traficking activities of Turkish criminal families within the European Union.To be undertaken following the results of the meeting of 14 March 1996 and the subsequent strategic report produced by the analytical department. The aim of the project is to ascertain the involvement in these activities by the criminal families in order to identify which specific group should be targeted, led by one Member State with the support of others and the EDU;
    • develop a common strategy on the Maritime lntelligence project (headed by Germany, with Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Italy as volunteering Member States);
    • support the Belgian Natonal Unit in preparing a feasibility study on an Airport Intelligence project for HENUS;
    • support and provide analitical expertise, as required, to the project, under the lead of the Danish authorities, on motorcycle gangs involved in drug trafficking acvities;
    • continue the Latin Amedcan Drug Bulletin Board System providing open source information to interested Member States;
    • organise a meeting on cocaine trafficking, focusing on the EU, in cooperation with the Spanish authorities;
    • participate in close co-operation with the Presidency and volunteer Member States, to the creatioon of a manual on detection of illicit cultivation and production of drugs in Member States.

    3,2 Illicitit trafficking in radioactive and nuclear substance

    EDU will continue its effortd in order to faccilitate the swift transfer of data between Member States from seizure of readioctive or nuclear material in other Member States.

    A threat assessment will be distributed.

    3,3 Illicit vehicle trafficking

    EDU propose to

    • participate with the Schengen and ICPO/INterpol working group on stolen vehicles to encourage Member States to co-ordinate action using the ICPO/Interpol atabase with EDU providing an analytical function.
    • support efforts to improve co-ordination against organized vehicle trafficking in the EU focusing primarily on Member States, but also including ICPO/Interpol, PECOS and Baltic Sates as appropiate, developing initiatives started in 1996
    • undertake an analytical function in respect of stolen vehicles with regard to the Maritime Intelligence Project.

    3,4 Crimes involving clandestine immigration networks

    The main projects relating to crimes involving clandestine migration networks are to:

    • undertake, under the elad of an Member State, an operational analysis on specified targets on the Balkan Route Project;
    • increase co-operation with the Centre for Infomation, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration (CIREFI) and initiate co-operation with other relevant authorities in other to avoid any duplication of effort;
    • develop target oriented and operational plans based upon the EU General Situation Report following its presentation to the National Units and further consultation with interested Member States.

    3.5. Trafficking in human beings

    a) initial approach

    Taking into account the advice of the expert meeting and of the Heads of Europol National Units the following step-by-step approach was decided :

    • the setting up of a small project group made up of personnel from volunteering Member States (Belgium, The Netherlands, France and Germany) and the Commission, under Belgian chairmanship, seconded (at the sending states’ expense) to carry out with EDU the following tasks;
    • a more precise study of the legal implications and practical consequences of extending EDU’s mandate;
    • an evaluation of the EU situation in this field of criminality;
    • identification of the competent national law enforcement agencies especially in the field of international co-operation;
    • a study of current initiatives in Member States and in organisations such as Interpol, CIREFI, IOM and IGC to avoid duplication of efforts and, under the authority of national units, to stimulate international co- operation. In this respect it is already clear that EDU should not, for example develop a database on missing children;
    • taking into consideration the activities under the (future) Joint Action establishing an incentive and exchange programme for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and sexual exploitation of children;
    • propose concrete initiatives for the future (conderning, for example, situation assessments, legal issues, law enforcement strategies, new ways to co-operate at international level)
    • focusing pactirularly on operational needs and sharing of intelligence;
    • draw up proposals for EDU action and involvement, estimating resource implications for each option.

    b) Possible future developments at EU level

    • EDU and the Member States should encompass without any delay the sharing through their Liaison Officers of intelligence related to trafficking in human beings;
    • Subject to resources, EDU should assist the Member States by providing analytical support where appropriate.In addition to these primarily reactive functions, EDU should contribute to a ‘identification of criminal activity at EU level in relation to the extended mandate. This might include research through open sources, such as the lnternet, on behalf of the Member States.
    • EDU’s role in the centre of excellence initiative (Belgium proposed a joint action) could be developed.
    • EDU could contribute to the promotion of the most effective common investigation methods in this new field of criminality.

    3.6, Money laundering

    Specific projects in this area will be to:

    • develop, in co-operation with Member States, an international money laundering training course for investigators within the EU;
    • develop and implement a pilot project with volunteer Member States for a monitoring system on criminally derived cash/assets from and towards the EU via selected international airports. Advice will be given to Member States on the usefulness of such a system;
    • produce a yearly, and -ad hoc if required, report from analysis of information regarding money laundering investigations by Member States to inform on detected size and trends in this field;
    • assemble, select and distribute non-cperation at money laundering information.

    4 Crime analysis The EDU will also provide a crime analysis function for the following projects:

    • continue to develop analytical guidelines for the pre and post-Convention ‘phase in consultation with the Member States and ICPO/Interpol and publish the document for use by individual law enforcement officials;
    • to prepare a threat assessment in respect of organised criminal activities affecting Member States’,

    A second Strategic Intelligence Workshop, the 3th – Annual Analysts Conference, a conference on analytical guidelines (in preparation for the post Convention phase) and a 2 day seminar on analysis for senior managers within the EU law enforcement community will be organised.

    5. Finance

    The main activity will be the administration of EDU’s finances. To the extent possible with existing resources, the Finance Bureau will implement the findings arising from the audit of the 1995 accounts, most notably in respect of strengthening internal control.

    6. Training

    The delay in appointing a Training Officer has resulted in the 1996 work programme being moved–back to the end of 1996 and the beginning of 1997.

    The EDU will develop and implement a training strategy which will aim to:

    • improve the effectiveness of the organisation by ensuring the availability of properly trained staff and EL0s with the relevant skills for their duties.,
    • assist Europol National Units in certain specialised areas where their needs can best be met by or with the participation of EDU;
    • encourage the personal and professional development of individuals, both in the short to medium term interests of EDU and later of turopol, and in the medium to long term interests of the law enforcement agencies to which they belong. The Training Officer will provide er arrange the provision of al necessary training. VVhere necessary, the training will be given by or in co-operation with external consultants or with other EDU personnel. Because training is expensive, both in direct costs and in terms of abstractions, there will first be a thorough assessment of the needs of EDU and of the personnel. This will be followed by a thorough and continuing evaluation of the benefits arising.

    7. Documentation

    Under the Centres of Excellence scheme, a training programme will be established to allow selected Member State law enforcement documentation centres to place a member of staff with EDU for a 1 month period. This will enable them to be brought up to date on the working -methods of the Documentation Service of the EDU in order to establish common standards of knowledge and best practice.

    8. Information technology

    8.1. Ongoing activities

    • providing internal IT training on standard computer applications, EDU developments and policy; and dedicated support tailored ‘to the needs of individual staff members;
    • enhancing the internal network (voice and data) to increase the network speed, and both the functionary and the accessibility of the resources;
    • a continue to parficlpate in the Aventinus project.

    8,2. Projects

    • expandthe ‘Logo’ application within EDU for the EL0s,
    • upgrade selected e-mail connections to Europol National Units using ISDN (high speed digital transmission) network links and X400 electronic mail,
    • develop a database application to improve the ability of analysis to provide support to EL0s on request from Momber States;
    • extend the ‘Info Exchange’ application to allow those ENUs who so desire to have access.

    9, Planned meetings for 1997

    Planned meetings for each semester will be submitted to The Working Group on Europol for approval at the start of each Presidency (January and July 1997). The following meetings are currently planned for 1997:

    Date Subject

    Expert meeting: Drug Trafficking by Turkish Criminal Organisations F-xpert meeting: Motorcycle Gangs involved in Drug Smuggling Heads of Europol National Units Strategic Intelligence Workshop Experts meeting on illegal immigration: Networks and the Balkan route Expert meeting on stolen vehicle trafficking Expert meeting on development of an intelligence model

    Chapter 2 Preparation for the Post-Convention situation

    10. Intelligence model

    It is intended to produce an intellgence model which will describe how Europol will function in respect of gathering, assessing, analysing, developing and disseminating intelligence, taking into account progress to be made on the Europol Cornputer System and on the Convention related regulations on intelligence activities.

    11. Vision of Europol

    During the summer of 1996 the Vision Document was refined in line with comments received from some Member States. This document will be reviewed during 1997 to take account of the views of the Working Group on Europol, the advice of the Heads of National Units and also of progress towards ratification.

    12. Finance

    Preparation for 1998 will have to take account of the possibility off ratification of the Convention, with dderent budgets for EDU and for Europol. One major consequence will be the need for an independent finance and salary administration system. A study of evisting systeens in comparable organisations will be carried out during the first half of 1997.

    13. Personnel

    A personnel administration system for Europol will have to be developed. In association with the similar need for a finance system a study of existing systems in comparable organisations will be carried out during the first half of 1997.

    14. The Europol Computer Syptem

    The 1996 Working Programme, and various reports to the Council of Ministers, described the background of the Europol Computer System project. The revised version of the Vision Document describes the future system as it is currently envisaged. The Project Tearn will continue to build upon the work begun in 1996. It will operate under the day-to-day guidance of EDU management, and the ongoing control of the Project Board which reports directly to the Working Group on Europol.

    In the eady part of 1997 the tendering and selection process for Stage 2 of the project (the production of the detailed Operational Requirement) will be completed. A contractor will be appointed (this will be the major consultancy of the project) and Stage 2 will commence. The production of the Operational Requirement will involve both National Unit and EDU staff and the report will duly be presented to the Working Group in accordance with its strategic and monitoring role. Once approved, the Operational Requirement will form the basis of the tendering process for Stage 3 of the project, the development and supply of the Europol Computer System. This process should commence before the end of 1997, subject to approval by the Council of Ministers.

    15. Post-Convention Regulations

    EDU will continue to contribute to the development.of regulations and organise experts meetings in consultation with the Working Group on Europol for the following main areas:

    staff regulations: confidentiality regulations; analytical work files.

    Contributions to other implementing regulations will be given as required.

    Final Comment

    All of the measures proposed in this document fall within the scope of current staff and budget allocations. The responsible for implementing each individual item detailed in this working programme is laid to a particular member of the Management Team.

    This working Programme should be regarded as a living document as decisions arising from political initiatives currently under discussion may well influence the judgements made in terms of prioritisation and budget allocations.

    The prirnary aim of the EDU throughout 1997 will be to maintain the following objectives:

    • facillitating the efficient exchange of information and intelligence and supporting operations between Member States;
    • the thorough preparation of the post-Convention phase, so that a smooth migration of the EDU to Europol is eventually achieved;
    • the preparation and implementation of an extension of the EDU mandate, if appropriate:

    Finally, it is the intention of the EDU to continue to provide a user-oriented service, throughout 1997, which enhances and gives added value to the work of investigators in the Member States, and to be a valued and respected source of advice to governments and law enforcement agencies.