• Buro Jansen & Janssen, gewoon inhoud!
    Jansen & Janssen is een onderzoeksburo dat politie, justitie, inlichtingendiensten, overheid in Nederland en de EU kritisch volgt. Een grond- rechten kollektief dat al 40 jaar, sinds 1984, publiceert over uitbreiding van repressieve wet- geving, publiek-private samenwerking, veiligheid in breedste zin, bevoegdheden, overheidsoptreden en andere staatsaangelegenheden.
    Buro Jansen & Janssen Postbus 10591, 1001EN Amsterdam, 020-6123202, 06-34339533, signal +31684065516, info@burojansen.nl (pgp)
    Steun Buro Jansen & Janssen. Word donateur, NL43 ASNB 0856 9868 52 of NL56 INGB 0000 6039 04 ten name van Stichting Res Publica, Postbus 11556, 1001 GN Amsterdam.
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  • Je hoeft geen complotdenker te zijn om twijfels te hebben bij het gangbare vertoog over de oorlog in Oekraïne (selectie artikelen op nieuwsblog over export van wapens naar Rusland en sancties)

    Je hoeft geen complotdenker te zijn om twijfels te hebben bij het gangbare vertoog over de oorlog in Oekraïne. Voor Buro Jansen & Janssen was en is Rusland een dictatuur sinds de aanslagen in 2004 in Beslan of misschien zelfs eerder. Rusland is in de huidige oorlog opnieuw duidelijk de agressor en pleegt op grote schaal oorlogsmisdaden.

    Toch is het belangrijk om vragen te blijven stellen, net als bij elke crisis. De vragen die wij nu onder andere stellen gaan over de wapenexport naar Rusland en de sacnties. Waarom hebben Europa en de Verenigde Staten Rusland geholpen met de opbouw van Russiche leger. Ook na de bezetting van de Krim is de export naar Rusland niet fors aan banden gelegd. En waarom worden overtredingen van die sancties niet onderzocht of worden bedrijven die de sancties hebben overtreden niet stevig aangepakt  en fors veroordeeld?

    Er worden in de verzamelde berichten verschillende voorbeelden genoemd. Een bedrijf, het Franse Thalens, heeft een paar jaar geleden nog het Nederlandse Gemalto overgenomen. Vraag is dan natuurlijk als Thalens genoemd wordt, wat is de rol van Gemalto?

    Buro Jansen & Janssen heeft in 2021 een onderzoek over Fox-IT in Rusland gepubliceerd. Het onderzoek roept de vraag op of Fox-IT de sancties heeft overtreden. Onderzoek zal niet volgen en vergunningen zullen niet strenger worden beoordeeld, dit heeft Buro Jansen & Janssen namelijk in 2020 middels een onderzoek aangetoond.

    Het lijkt erop dat de oorlog in Oekraïne de Europese Unie en de Verenigde Staten eigenlijk goed uitkomt, want daar lijtk het sterk op gezien de lakse houding ten aanzien van export en sancties. Het heeft de kas in het verleden gespekt door Rusland te steunen en nu kunnen overheden goede sier maken door Oekraïne te steunen. Erg wrang is het wel, maar oorlog lijkt het perfecte verdienmodel.

    Op nieuwsblog verzamelt Buro Jansen & Janssen artikelen over de export van wapens naar Rusland en de overtredingen van de sancties tegen Rusland. Hier kunt u zien welke artikelen wij hebben verzameld.


    How companies from Switzerland, Italy, and Germany help Russia circumvent sanctions to produce weapons

    30 juni 2022

    The investigation was prepared by the Economic Security Council of Ukraine together with the InformNapalm international intelligence community. Instead of a Foreword This is Berenne Alinovi. She has her own business in Barcelona, Spain. She sews cocktail and wedding dresses and creates jewelry with Swarovski crystals. And this is Inna Soloshenko from Lebedyn, Sumy Oblast, […]


    Global arms industry getting shakeup by war in Ukraine – and China and US look like winners from Russia’s stumbles

    30 juni 2022

    Russia’s war in Ukraine is upending the global arms industry. As the U.S. and its allies pour significant sums of money into arming Ukraine and Russia bleeds tanks and personnel, countries across the world are rethinking defense budgets, materiel needs and military relationships. Countries that historically have had low levels of defense spending such as […]


    Who armed Russia?

    30 juni 2022

    Despite the embargo imposed in 2014, at least ten EU countries sold military equipment and weapons to the Russian Federation. According to the Working Party on Conventional Arms Exports (COARM) and all EU-27 arms export registers, between 2015 and 2020, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Slovakia and Spain sold weapons […]


    Ukraine calls out Italian metal company for “supporting Russia’s military complex”

    30 juni 2022

    Ukraine calls out Italian metal company for “supporting Russia’s military complex” Credit: Creative Commons The Defence of Ukraine called out an Italian steel-plant company for its collaboration with Russia, in supplying equipment allegedly destined to produce nuclear submarines and tank armour. Taking to Twitter to publicly call out the Italian company and its support of […]


    Italian company accused of supplying Russian military, even after invasion

    30 juni 2022

    According to the message, these shipments have been ongoing even after Feb. 24 – the day Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. “Supporting Russian military (-industrial) complex goes against lawful and moral considerations,” the ministry said.


    Over 1,000 Companies Have Curtailed Operations in Russia—But Some Remain

    30 juni 2022

    Since the invasion of Ukraine began, we have been tracking the responses of well over 1,200 companies, and counting. Over 1,000 companies have publicly announced they are voluntarily curtailing operations in Russia to some degree beyond the bare minimum legally required by international sanctions — but some companies have continued to operate in Russia undeterred. Originally […]


    Those who stay: how companies justify their stay in russia

    30 juni 2022

    After the start of the full-scale attack of Russia on Ukraine, with tens of thousands killed and multiple war crimes documented, many companies (often under the pressure of their customers and shareholders) have left Russia. Others stayed, continuing to provide goods and services — to Russians and taxes — to the Russian government. Figure 1 […]


    French arms firm busts sanctions to help Russia build weapons

    30 juni 2022

    It was the BMD-4 with the Thales-made Catherine FC thermal imaging camera that took part in the shelling of Ukrainian civilian cars in Bucha. I saw a post by volunteers on a social network, and together with my fellow lawyers we launched our own probe into the French manufacturer’s involvement in Russia’s military aggression against […]


    War in Ukraine: the Thales group has delivered kits to Russia until 2019 to assemble infrared cameras

    30 juni 2022

    Thales acknowledges in a press release on Saturday April 30 having delivered until 2019 to the Russian company Vomz “kits for assembling thermal cameras”namely infrared cameras, confirming information from the Parisian. The French defense group, however, ensures that it does not have “nothing sold since 2014” and “the application of European sanctions against Russia”. “No […]


    France’s Thales Accused Of Selling To Russia Despite Sanctions, Denied By Company

    30 juni 2022

    A senior Ukrainian official on Friday accused French defence electronics company Thales of violating European sanctions and selling Russia equipment that was used to kill civilians fleeing recent fighting outside Kyiv, claims strongly denied by Thales. “A family was trying to escape but was killed by Russian murderers,” tweeted presidential adviser Mykhaylo Podolyak. “Killed, as […]


    The French company Thales supplied Russia with its Catherine FC thermal imagers for the BMD-4M

    30 juni 2022

    Pavlo Kashchuk, known as the founder of the infocar.ua project and host of the YouTube channel of the same name, published a video on it, shot after Bucha’s liberation from the ruscism occupiers. It shows not only traces of war crimes with the killing of civilians, but also abandoned equipment by retreating troops, which found […]


    EU’S SHAME France and Germany dodged Russia arms embargo to sell weapons to Putin – that are now being used to slaughter Ukrainians

    30 juni 2022

    FRANCE, Germany and Italy side-stepped an arms embargo to sell weapons to Vladimir Putin that are being used to slaughter Ukrainians. On a day of shame for the EU, it emerged ten member states sold hundreds of millions of pounds of military kit to Russia between 2015 and 2020. Paris sent bombs, rockets and explosives, […]


    EU member states exported weapons to Russia after the 2014 embargo (2022)

    31 maart 2022

    Missiles, aircraft, rockets, torpedoes, bombs. Russia continued to buy EU weapons until at least 2020. Despite the ongoing embargo, ten member states exported € 346 million worth of military equipment, according to public data analysed by Investigate Europe. Some of these weapons could be used against Ukraine now. “Our destinies are linked. Ukraine is part […]

    Staggering data shows NATO aided Putin by supplying arms being used against Ukraine (2022)

    31 maart 2022

    STAGGERING unearthed data has revealed several NATO countries – including the UK – have supplied weapons and military equipment to Russia worth hundreds of millions of pounds, some of which are likely to be used against Ukraine today. NATO military alliance members including the UK, France and Germany, are being accused of supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by […]


    Germany exported military equipment to Russia despite embargo: Report (2022)

    31 maart 2022

    $134 million worth of military equipment shipped between 2014 and 2020, despite EU sanctions on Russia, according to local media Germany shipped €122 million ($134 million) worth of military equipment to Russia despite the EU arms embargo in effect since 2014, local media has reported. Nine other EU member states also exported military goods during […]


    France, Germany and Italy sold hundreds of millions of pounds worth of arms and military kit to Russia for years despite embargo (2022)

    31 maart 2022

    France, Germany and Italy sold hundreds of millions worth of arms to Russia  They sold military kit to the Kremlin for years despite an EU embargo banning it They were three of at least 10 countries to use a loophole to get past the ban  France alone sold €152million out of a total €350million (£293million) exported […]


    France continued to deliver Russia weapons after 2014 embargo

    31 maart 2022

    France continued to issue arms export licences to Russia after the 2014 embargo, investigative website Disclose has revealed. According to leaked documents, French companies delivered arms to Russia after the EU imposed sanctions, including an arms embargo, against Russia in 2014. France has since issued more than 70 licences to export military equipment to companies […]


    A Third of EU Member States Exported Weapons to Russia (2022)

    31 maart 2022

    A third of European Union (EU) member states exported weapons to Russia after the 2014 embargo banning them, according to data from the working group, which records all military exports from the 27, analyzed by Investigate Europe. The data, released today in the newspaper Public, indicate that 10 EU countries exported weapons to Russia after […]


    EU arms firms trying to flout Belarus and Russia ban (2021)

    31 maart 2022

    Three EU-based firms are suspected of trying to smuggle arms to Belarus and Russia, in what might be the tip of a larger black market. Czech firm Česká zbrojovka tried to export over 100 rifles and pistols via Moldova to Russia in 2020, according to a Moldovan document seen by EUobserver. The shipment included ‘CZ […]


    Up in arms: Warring over Europe’s arms export regime (2019)

    31 maart 2022

    The European Union’s poorly co-ordinated arms export policy is undermining Europe’s security, its foreign policy and its defence industry. The EU’s arms export policy should have three aims. First, arms control, in order to keep arms out of the wrong hands. Second, targeted arms exports to allies and countries that share the EU’s security challenges. […]


    EU arms embargo on Russia will make little impact if France can still sell Putin warships (2014)

    31 maart 2022

    The Council of the EU is currently struggling over whether to impose an arms embargo on Russia as punishment for its role in destabilising Ukraine. Several governments in the EU, including the UK, have already announced that they are denying arms export licences for Russia and revoking those that have previously been granted. Also in […]


    From guns to warships: Inside Europe’s arms trade with Russia (2014)

    31 maart 2022

    The West has slapped stringent sanctions on Russia in response to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, believed by the U.S. and others to have been shot down with a Russia-supplied Buk missile system by eastern Ukraine rebels. While the introduction of financial sanctions will create the most immediate squeeze on Russia, it is […]


    Weapons of the war in Ukraine. Russian entities acquired British, Czech, French, German, Spanish, and US-made components for use in the manufacture of these drones.

    28 februari 2022

    Since 2014, the news media and other observers have provided accounts of weapon sourcing to armed formations operating in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine. To date, efforts  to verify these claims have relied largely on examinations of open-source photos and videos of weapons and ammunition, rather than systematic field-based investigations. […]


    The United States secretly captured 20 Russian military drones and tracked the entire technology supply chain. The key parts are all imported components

    28 februari 2022

    The tough future of Russia’s attack drones The rapid development of military drones around the world has raised a natural question time and time again-why is Russia so backward in design and production? In most cases, the main reason for this is the lazy thinking of the military and engineers. However, one of the most […]


    Western sanctions cause “huge problems” for Russia’s war sector (but Israel probably still supplies drone parts) – military expert

    28 februari 2022

    Editor’s Note When we published the key points of the report “Weapons of War in Ukraine” by the UK-based investigative organization Conflict Armament Research, it caught our eye that between 2014 and 2018, the drone manufacturer Israel Aerospace Industries supplied a sanctioned Russian defense company with UAV components produced by various European and US manufacturers, […]


    Russian drones shot down over Ukraine were full of Western parts. Can the U.S. cut them off?

    28 februari 2022

    The surveillance drones contained computer chips and components made in the United States and Europe In early 2017, Ukrainian forces battling Russia-backed separatists shot down a drone conducting surveillance over the eastern flank of Ukraine. The unmanned aircraft, nearly six feet long with a cone-shaped nose and a shiny gray body, had all the external […]


    Russian drones shot down over Ukraine had been filled with Western components. Can the U.S. minimize them off?

    28 februari 2022

    The engine got here from a German firm that provides model-airplane hobbyists. Laptop chips for navigation and wi-fi communication had been made by U.S. suppliers. A British firm offered a motion-sensing chip. Different components got here from Switzerland and South Korea. “I used to be stunned after we checked out all of it collectively to […]


    British parts found on downed Russian spy drones in Ukraine and EU

    28 februari 2022

    British components have been found in Russian-made spy drones captured by Ukrainian and Lithuanian forces, a report shows. The parts are among European kit discovered on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) deployed over Ukraine and neighbouring countries during the conflict in the country’s eastern Donbass region, researchers have found. Ukraine is under the threat of invasion, […]


    Fears Russian military drones made with British components could target UK soldiers

    28 februari 2022

    Russian-made military drones containing British components are being used by pro-Russian separatist forces in Ukraine and can now be used to target UK soldiers deployed there in the event of an invasion of Moscow, I to learn. Arms experts said an analysis of Russian-made surveillance planes intercepted over Ukraine showed they were made with electronics […]


    Fears that Russian military drones built with British components could be used to attack British soldiers during the Ukraine crisis.

    28 februari 2022

    Pro-Russian separatist forces in Ukraine are using Russian-made military drones with British components, which could now be used to attack UK troops stationed there if Moscow invades.i has learned. An analysis of Russian-built surveillance drones intercepted over Ukraine found that they were built with electronics and mechanical parts from Western countries, including the United Kingdom, […]


    Fox-IT in Rusland (samenvatting)

    28 februari 2022

    Het Delftse computer- en beveiligingsbedrijf Fox-IT verkoopt sinds 2010 haar producten in Rusland en is hier na de invoering van de internationale sancties tegen het land in 2014 mee doorgegaan. De Nederlandse overheid is een belangrijke klant van Fox-IT. Het bedrijf verzorgt onder andere de beveiliging van staatsgeheimen. De Rus Evgeny Gengrinovich speelt een sleutelrol […]


    Fox-IT en het Nederlandse exportbeleid voor dual-use goederen

    28 februari 2022

    Sinds de Arabische Lente zijn meerdere westerse computer- en beveiligingsbedrijven in opspraak geraakt vanwege hun leveranties aan repressieve regimes in het Midden-Oosten. Sommige bedrijven zijn daarvoor ook juridisch vervolgd. Ook in Nederland stond de export van Nederlandse bedrijven (waaronder Fox-IT) naar landen in het Midden-Oosten rond 2011 in de politieke en publieke belangstelling. Het Midden-Oosten […]


    artikel als pdf

    Nederlandse overheid rolt rode loper uit voor Zuid-Afrikaans surveillance bedrijf dat levert aan repressieve regimes (samenvatting)

    Nederlandse overheid rolt rode loper uit voor Zuid-Afrikaans surveillance bedrijf dat levert aan repressieve regimes

    Zuid-Afrikaans surveillance bedrijf VASTech leverancier van repressieve regimes

    Documenten bij onderzoek en profiel VASTech / Cyberupt

    Gehele Observant #79 / juni 2022 VASTech / Cyberupt (pdf)