• Buro Jansen & Janssen, gewoon inhoud!
    Jansen & Janssen is een onderzoeksburo dat politie, justitie, inlichtingendiensten, overheid in Nederland en de EU kritisch volgt. Een grond- rechten kollektief dat al 40 jaar, sinds 1984, publiceert over uitbreiding van repressieve wet- geving, publiek-private samenwerking, veiligheid in breedste zin, bevoegdheden, overheidsoptreden en andere staatsaangelegenheden.
    Buro Jansen & Janssen Postbus 10591, 1001EN Amsterdam, 020-6123202, 06-34339533, signal +31684065516, info@burojansen.nl (pgp)
    Steun Buro Jansen & Janssen. Word donateur, NL43 ASNB 0856 9868 52 of NL56 INGB 0000 6039 04 ten name van Stichting Res Publica, Postbus 11556, 1001 GN Amsterdam.
  • Publicaties

  • Migratie

  • Politieklachten

  • Introduction

    For some time now, the struggle against cybercrime has enjoyed a prominent place on the political agenda. The government of the United States in particular is worried. The denial-of service attacks against a number of important commercial websites, including yahoo! Amazon.com and CNN were grist to the mills of American law enforcement. In these attacks, enormous amounts of information were sent simultaneously, causing a traffic jam in the computers which put the websites temporarily out of action. It was like a shop blockade, but then in cyberspace.

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    Vragen Groenlinks over Echelon

    Antwoord van de heer Van Aartsen, Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, mede namens de Mnisters van Defensie en van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, op vragen van het lid Halsema.

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    1. #@??KQP/X:+GT^^C;*A![]W>

    The keyboard as weapon

    When calling from a mobile phone or sending e-mail, most people assume that no one else is listening to their conversation or reading their mail. If, however, they want to be absolutely sure of this, they must encrypt these messages. Protecting one’s privacy or sensitive information can be good and legitimate reasons for using encryption. Police and intelligence services, however, seem to think that encryption is suspicious by definition. Their line of reasoning is that anyone who encrypts a message has something to hide. The possibilities for the police to intercept communications have reached unprecedented heights, but recently, the wide scale use of encryption has threatened to bring this development to a halt, something that the authorities are none too pleased about.

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    Eavesdroppers at the table

    The harmonisation of international requirements for interception.

    The efforts to bring the Internet and encryption under control have, by their very nature, an international character. The Internet is, after all a worldwide communications network, and therefore requires worldwide control. One of the authorities’ first concerns was to ensure that they could intercept all the new communication systems that followed each other in such rapid tempo. The harmonisation of the technology needed for interception and the devising of means to ensure that the telecommunications industry complies with these requirements are chief topics at international meetings on interception.

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    Eavesdroppers international

    Cross-border operational cooperation

    Controlling the Internet is, by its very nature, an international affair. The Internet is not restricted by national boundaries, whereas governmental legislative authority is still largely subject to national boundaries. In order to actually monitor and trace on a global level, legal authorities must be in tune with each other. Efficient international cooperation, preferably without too many complicated bureaucratic procedures is also essential. The harmonisation of rules regarding the penalisation of Internet criminals, the regulation of tracking powers and cross-border cooperation are regular topics at international meetings.

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    Tapkamer klpd grootste van europa

    Centrale Tapkamer grootste van Europa

    Duizend Taps Tegelijk

    uit Corps Courant nr 8, 15 april 2000

    DRIEBERGEN – Op 3 maart opende J. van den Heuvel, directeur Opsporingsbeleid van het ministerie van Justitie de zogenaamde ‘tapkamer special’ bij de DTOO in Driebergen. In dit centrum kunnen bijzondere communicatienetwerken worden afgetapt om informatie voor strafrechtelijk onderzoek te krijgen. De opening van de ‘tapkamer special’ volgt op een proef van een jaar.

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    The key to success

    Combating encryption

    In recent years, western governments have created new powers to allow them to intercept e-mail and Internet correspondence. Internet providers are obliged to make their systems capable of being intercepted, as telephone companies are. However, the authorities have been struggling with the problem of encryption for years. Tapped messages are not much use if they cannot be read or listened to. For years, the United States in particular tried to regulate the export of encryption by the introduction of strict regulations. In the meantime the judicial authorities have had a change of thought about cryptography.

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    Intercepting the low lands

    Cybercops in the Netherlands

    In view of the transnational dimensions of the digital society, it is scarcely surprising that the law enforcement, the police and intelligence agencies in the Netherlands more or less go along with international developments. This is largely due to the intensive international discussions, in which the Netherlands plays a role. The inventory of methods available to the police and intelligence services whilst conducting investigations in the digital world has been laid down in a number of bills that have become law in recent years.

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    Since the arrival of the new communication technologies, the police and law enforcement have issued repeated warnings about the dangers posed by encryption. For a long time, the interests of police and law enforcement were diametrically opposed to individuals’ and organisations’ need for privacy and the business community’s need for both privacy and the protection of their commercial interests. This essentially political discussion was influenced to a large degree by technological developments. The police and law enforcement’s wish to keep communication comprehensible and legible were threatened by the distribution of relatively high quality encryption via the Internet. When efforts to restrict the use of encryption techniques failed because they were technically and legally unviable, law enforcement agencies were forced to consider other options. Since then, a broad packet of measures has been created to give the authorities enough scope to restrict any problems caused by encryption to a minimum.

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    Parool: Justitie wil opsporen via gsm

    Het Parool, 12 april 2000
    AMSTERDAM – Voor de politie is een mobiele telefoon meer dan alleen om mee te bellen. Het is een peilbaken, een perfect en onopvallend middel om mensen in de gaten te houden.
    Het ministerie van Justitie wil via het mobiele telefoonverkeer de gangen van verdachten kunnen nagaan. Telefoonmaatschappijen zouden gegevens over de locaties van mobieltjes moeten bijhouden en op verzoek aan justitie afstaan.

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    Interception versus privacy – colophon

    Dossier cryptography

    august 2000

    Buro Jansen & Janssen
    Stichting Eurowatch


    This dossier cryptography is made on the initiative of Bits of Freedom, a privacy and civil liberties organization for the information society.

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    Echelon in Holland: Dutch intelligence agency authorized to scan satellite communications

    The Dutch Intelligence Agency BVD is getting new powers. Among other things, the powers to intercept communications will be extended. The agency is authorized, if the government gets its way, to intercept satellite communications at random and search the intercepted traffic by keywords. Also, the BVD gets a new intelligence task: the gathering of economical information.Holland goes Echelon, it seems.

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    Dutch intelligence agency authorized to scan satellite communications

    The Dutch Intelligence Agency BVD is getting new powers. Among other things, the powers to intercept communications will be extended. The agency is authorized, if the government gets its way, to intercept satellite communications at random and search the intercepted traffic by keywords. Also, the BVD gets a new intelligence task: the gathering of economical information. Holland goes Echelon, it seems.

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    GSM als peilzender

    GSM als peilzender

    Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

    Vergaderjaar 1999-2000

    Aanhangsel van de Handelingen


    Vragen van de leden Vendrik en Halsema (GroenLinks) aan de minister van Justitie en de staatssecretaris van Verkeer en Waterstaat over de GSM als peitzender (ingezonden 17 maart 2000)
    Antwoord van minister Korthals (Justitie), mede namens de staatssecretaris van Verkeer en Waterstaat. (Ontvangen 7 april 2000)

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    Bedenkingen bij regels EK

    AMSTERDAM – Alle partijen in de gemeenteraad hebben ernstige bedenkingen bij de voorstellen van burgemeester Patijn de Algemene Plaatselijke Verordening (APV) te wijzigen. Hij wil ‘bestuurlijke ophouding’ van groepen mogelijke relschoppers mogelijk maken en een noodverordening voor het EK voetbal schrijven.
    Door de bestuurlijke ophouding – die de politie het recht geeft in noodgevallen groepen aan te houden nog voordat die iets strafbaars hebben gedaan – minutieus in de verordening te regelen, kan de raad zich vooraf uitgebreid over mogelijk te nemen maatregelen buigen, had Patijn bedacht.
    Dus had hij elke mogelijke aanleiding om groepen preventief vast te zetten, opgenomen. Behalve onder meer samenscholen, vechten en het bij zich hebben van messen dus ook het verbod op slapen op de openbare weg, zwarte handel in kaartjes en het hebben van alcoholhoudende drank.
    Dat ging alle raadsfracties wat ver. Te veel bepalingen stonden te vaag opgesomd in het voorstel, oordeelde de raadscommissie voor Algemene Zaken. Moet de burgemeester echt het recht in handen krijgen groepen op te pakken die in het Vondelpark liggen te slapen en kun je worden opgepakt als je in Osdorp – ver weg van eventuele rellen – met een kratje bier rondloopt?

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