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  • Chiquita & Myth of Corporate Social Responsibility


    Chiquita Brands International claims to put corporate social responsibility at the forefront of its business practices. The banana producer seeks to distance itself from its predecessor United Fruit Company by presenting a story of complete transformation from a corporation that was famous for its human rights violations and collusion with the State, to a 21st century company that is responsive to consumer demands for healthy fruit produced in conditions that are environmentally-conscious and respectful of labor and community rights.

    This article examines Chiquita as the direct heir of the notorious United Fruit Company, debunking the company’s claims that it has transformed from a corporate villain into a model corporate citizen. Current-day Chiquita is full of contradictions. The company’s operations receive approvals from the Rainforest Alliance and Social Accountability International, and it is the only company in the industry that has agreed to a Latin American-wide collective bargaining agreement with the banana workers’ union. Despite the sustainability and management certifications, human rights violations continue to be documented in farms that produce Chiquita fruits, particularly bananas. Examples of these violations are presented from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and Colombia. Using its considerable political clout and public relations influence, Chiquita has followed the United Fruit Company’s example by covering up its actions, which not only violate its own voluntary codes of conduct but are also illegal and unethical.

    Chiquita’s actions in Colombia, where it admitted to paying left-wing guerrillas and right-wing paramilitary organizations over a 15-year period, resulted in an indictment by the US Department of Justice that found Chiquita broke the law by financing a US-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. Legal actions are now underway in the US and in Colombia, aiming to hold Chiquita accountable and achieve redress for the victims of the paramilitaries that were funded by Chiquita. The indictment, and the National Security Archives’ subsequent release of the Chiquita Papers provide an opportunity to examine the connections that resulted in a fine of USD $25 million paid to the US government and an omission of criminal charges for the Chiquita executives involved in fueling the Colombian armed conflict. While its public relations machine convinces consumers that Chiquita is a good choice, the shared interests between the company and the US government allow Chiquita to continue disregarding human rights in impunity.

    artikel als pdf
    Chiquita web site
    “Eerlijk Kiezen.” Volkskrant, 26 January 2008
    “Chiquita: Blood and Bananas.”
    “Yes, We Have No Profits The rise and fall of Chiq
    Film on Dole banana production in Nicaragua:
    “Ecuador: Widespread Labor Abuse on Banana Plantat
    “Dilemmas of a Fair Trade Banana Enthusiast.”
    The Rainforest Alliance’s Banana Certification Pro
    US Labor Education in the Americas Project’s Chiqu
    Peuples Solidaires action on Chiquita in Costa Ric
    Peuples Solidaires action on Chiquita in Guatemala
    Honduras: Military Coup Engineered By Two US Compa
    “Chiquita in Latin America.”
    The 1998 Cincinnati Enquirer expose on Chiquita ha
    “Chiquita still under cloud after newspaper’s retr
    “SEC Settles Case against Chiquita Brands Internat
    “Para-Politics Goes Bananas.”
    Verdad Abierta page on Bloque Bananero.
    “Chiquita: Blood of the Banana.”
    “Report of the General Secretariat of the Organiza
    “Chiquita in the Dock.”
    “An Excruciating Dilemma Between Life and Law: Cor
    “Chiquita Brands International Pleads Guilty to Ma
    “Las confesiones de Raúl Hasbún.”
    “2007/2008 Annual Report: Corporate Responsibility
    “The National Security Archive Chiquita Papers.”
    “Doe v Chiquita Brands International.”
    “In Terrorism-Law Case, Chiquita Points to U.S.”
    “Chiquita sues to block release of documents relat
    “Chiquita: Between Life and Law.”
    “El hombre que fue el cerebro de la paraeconomía.”
    “A indagatoria, tres directivos norteamericanos de
    “Chiquita Agrees to Sell Operations in Colombia.”
    Banacol’s web site:
    “Chiquita sigue en Colombia.”
    “Fuitpoint Banacol Quick Scan.”
    “A Race to the Bottom? Globalization, Labor Repres
    “Militares colombianos habrían incentivado a Chiqu
    “Inquiry Threatens Ex-Leader of Securities Agency.
    “Chiquita and the Department of Justice”.
    “When Bananas Ruled the World.”
    “Holder, Chiquita, and Colombia.”
    “Ex-paramilitar protesta por preclusión a favor de
    The Race to the Bottom blog analyzing legal action
    “Chiquita Banana To Face Colombia Torture Claim.”
    “Has Chiquita Truly Reformed or Are They Just Gree
    “Banacol implicated in paramilitarism and landgra